[Qgis-developer] error when saving modified features via wfs-t/qgis server

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt
Fri Oct 24 09:43:09 PDT 2014

> Hi all,
> I'm noticing the following when editing features via wfs-t (with qgis
> as client and as server): if the modified feature has a lot of nodes
> then saving give this error
> Errors: ERROR: 1 geometries not changed.
> Provider errors:
> empty response
> if I simplify/generalize the feature then (at some point after
> generalizing quite a lot) modifying/saving via wfs-t works ok.
> Adding/deleting features operations are not affected.
> I tested both qgis 2.4 and master both as client and server using both
> shapes and postgis as source data.
> Is this a known limitation?

I'm also having troubles saving on a tinyows server

Could not commit changes to layer tows:dist2_single2

Errors: ERROR: 1 geometries not changed.

Provider errors:

WFS exception report (code=InvalidParameterValue text=XML request isn't valid)


Giovanni Manghi
Sistemas de Informação Geográfica Open Source

Web: http://www.faunalia.pt
Email & Jabber: giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt
PGP Key available
Tel. + 351 96 7058216

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