[Qgis-developer] Proposal: move the "Remove layer(s)" button

Mathieu Pellerin nirvn.asia at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 22:10:53 PDT 2014


I'd like to circulate a UX proposal and see how people react.

For a very long time, QGIS' Layers toolbar has featured a "Remove layer(s)"
button. I have seen two issues with the button:
- Its placement becomes really odd when plugins add button(s) to the Layers
toolbar (for e.g. the New Memory Layer plugin as pictured here [
http://imgur.com/CEcIC3K,QvUzrti ])
- It can only remove vector/raster layers, won't remove groups

With the recent improvements done by Martin Dobias on the legend, and in
particular with his addition of a layer panel embedded toolbar, I propose
- The "Remove layer(s)" button be moved to the layer panel embedded toolbar
[ http://imgur.com/CEcIC3K,QvUzrti#1 ]
- The button functionally is improved so it can also deal with the removal
of group(s)

Alternatively, we could get rid of the button altogether since layers and
groups can be removed via right click or keyboard shortcut, but I suspect
the touch screen based users might object.

Any objection to moving the button to the new layers toolbar?

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