[Qgis-developer] Memory Layers - some proposals

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Wed Sep 24 23:50:56 PDT 2014

As a name, I like "Scratch layer" or "Temporary layer". I see that
people can confuse "Memory" with "permant storage".


Am 25.09.2014 06:41, schrieb Nathan Woodrow:
> I guess the main issue with replacing the style swatch is we loose that
> for a ram icon that will be there all the time so you can't see the
> style set on the layer.
> Personally I do prefer the name Temporary rather then Memory.
> - Nathan 
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com
> <mailto:nyall.dawson at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     On 25/09/2014 4:27 pm, "Mathieu Pellerin" <nirvn.asia at gmail.com
>     <mailto:nirvn.asia at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     >
>     > Possibly although that'd clutter that space. 
>     Not really- it could be handled in the same way as the editing icon
>     is at the moment. That doesn't take up any extra room as it replaces
>     the style swatch.
>     >
>     > That said, I must say I quite enjoy using the memory layer saver, I'd be sad to see this function not making it into core.
>     >
>     > Martin raised an important issue re format. What about saving memory layer data as GeoJSON within the qgis project file? That's a solution that is compatible with the project file's xml format.
>     I think the issue is more with compatibility with other programs.
>     That's why a zip/archive style project file which stores memory
>     layers in an existing standard format (eg geojson) was suggested.
>     Nyall
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