[Qgis-developer] R: Re: committedGeometriesChanges issue

Enrico Fiore enricofiore at libero.it
Fri Apr 10 00:02:45 PDT 2015

Hi Oliver,

   ----Messaggio originale----
    Da: olivier.dalang at gmail.com

   >Hi Enrico,
   >The bug should fixed in master, did you update your 2.9 version to the 
latest one ?

I tried committedGeometriesChanges also in QGIS 2.9 Master installed via 

Can be that the method doesn't work because it is used in a openForm function, 
and no form is open duringe the move point action?


2015-04-08 15:32 GMT+02:00 Enrico Fiore <enricofiore at libero.it>:
I am trying to perform a post-processing queries in a postgis layer. When a 
new point is insert all work fine, but if I move existing point the queries 
don't work. The event committedGeometriesChanges seems that doesn't work. 
Is it because is not open the form dialog to perform this action? 

 I found this thread 

where is written that it is a bug and that it is fixed in 65378e6

I tried both with QGIS 2.8.1 and QGIS

Is it a mistake or the bug is not fixed? Is it necessary open a ticket?

The code that I use is

def formOpen(dialog, layerid, featureid):

def confirmChanged(layerid, changedGeometries):
   ... update attribute with queries ....


Enrico Fiore

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