[Qgis-developer] WFS server ignoring on-the-fly reprojection

Ivan Mincik ivan.mincik at gmail.com
Tue Dec 29 12:47:38 PST 2015

Hash: SHA1

On 29.12.2015 18:23, René-Luc Dhont wrote:
> Hi Ivan,
> QGIS Server implements WFS version 1.0.0. In this version SRSNAME parameter
> does not exist. The WFS 1.0.0 is defined as a way to access and edit raw
> vector data. Because of this definition, I have implemented WFS as a way to
> access and edit data as it is and in the CRS of the layer.

Hi René-Luc,
I understand your point of view, you are right with the "WFS 1.0.0"
definition. You are also right that in 1.0.0 there is no SRSNAME parameter.

But I don't agree with raw data definition. Raw data, in terms of QGIS WFS
server should be the same as raw data from QGIS Desktop point of view. In
Desktop, if OTF reprojection is enabled, you also see, browse and edit data in
target SRS. The same behavior is implemented in WMS and should be in WFS. Raw
data for all use cases should be project itself.

This means that we don't need to have SRSNAME parameter to have reprojected
data. We need just to update "raw data" definition and consistent implementation.

> If you think "Server Side Transformation" will be useful for clients, I
> think it will be preferable to implement WFS 1.1.0 with transactional
> capabilities than force transformation.
> In my WFS WGIS Server Todo list, I have : * Add tests before extending QGIS
> Server WFS capapbilties * Implement WFS 2 or WFS 1.1.0

WFS 2 can be tricky :)

> Tests will be my priority before adding features.

Thank you very much for your work.

- -- 
Ivan Minčík
ivan.mincik at gmail.com  GPG: 0x79529A1E  http://imincik.github.io/0x79529A1E.key
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