[Qgis-developer] postgres getFeatures segfault in pyqgis not in console

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Wed Feb 4 08:07:48 PST 2015

A question raised on IRC:

The following code after setting the right PYTHONPATH and
LD_LIBRARY_PATH runs fine for a shapefile,
OR for a postgres table IN THE PYTHON CONSOLE(!)

But if you run the code in a terminal, it segfaults?!

Anybody a clue?
Trying to attach gdb to the so libs, but failing.

It segfaults at the getFeatures() call, as if something wrong with the


Richard Duivenvoorde

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

from qgis.core import *
import qgis.utils

QgsApplication.setPrefixPath('PATH_TO_QGIS', True)

db = QgsDataSourceURI()
db.setConnection('host', '5432', 'dbname', 'dbowner', 'pass')
db.setDataSource('public', 'dbtable', 'dbcolumn_geom')

vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(db.uri(), 'test', 'postgres')
#below is just working
#vlayer = QgsVectorLayer("PATH_TO_SHAPE", "test", "ogr")
print vlayer

print vlayer.featureCount() # ok 12
print vlayer.isValid()  # ok: True

features = vlayer.getFeatures()  # SEGFAULT
for feature in features:
  print 'fid ', feature.id()

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