[Qgis-developer] [Qgis-user] Transformation using NTv2 grids

Giovanni Manghi giovanni.manghi at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 07:13:38 PST 2015

Hi Bernd

> Hi there,
> reactivating this thread and also pushing it to the dev list to maybe
> receive a statement:
> Is it somehow planned to include the BETA2007.gsb and the resulting
> changes into QGIS for 2.8 by default?
> I received already some questions, cause now even german bureaucracy is
> waking up and tell users to switch to ETRS and transform the data from
> Gauss-Krueger.
> But for the majority of QGIS users, this will be rocket science if they
> even learn THAT they have to create custom CRS, change srs.db entries and
> do other wizardry.
> So far, googling "QGIS" and "BETA2007" yields no results on any moves into
> this direction.
> But without, QGIS users in Germany will likely produce tons of trash data
> in the near future or already do so without knowing (me included till
> today).
> Also see https://hub.qgis.org/issues/11347
> ... or is is not that critical as I believe it is?

exactly because ntv2 transformations should not be rocket sciemce for
the users, we (Portuguese qgis user group, with the initial help of
Alexander Bruy) created this plugin


Given that you can redistribute the gsb files (and for Portugal this
is possible) then the ntv2 transformations become trivial.

I had already had a thought of expanding this plugin and adding the
transfomations for countries that have available gsb grids and allow
them to redistribute.

If someone is interested or need it just let me know.


Giovanni Manghi
* QGIS Desktop development
* WebGIS development
* QGIS and PostGIS Training

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