[Qgis-developer] Problems with python script and Grass

Davide Sponchiado davidesponchiado at alice.it
Wed Feb 25 12:35:43 PST 2015

Hello everybody,

I've already ask some help with "Creating script (conflict with 
python/Grass + wrong folders)" but noone was able to help me, so I try 
again with a simplier question:

When I launch my python script in Grass (in the Virtual Machine 
everything works fine) this happens:
C:\PROGRA~1\QGISBR~1\bin\python.exe: can't open file
....: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

All the problems started when I upgrade my QGIS to 2.6 (with Grass 6.4.4 
even if I can see only Grass 6.4.3...).

Thanks for the help

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