[Qgis-developer] guestimating plug-in dev time?

Rémi Cura remi.cura at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 00:16:54 PST 2015

Hello dear list.
I'm usually active on the postgis or postgres list,
but today I would like to ask a question regarding dev time.

In your opinion,
How much time would be needed to write a plugin for multiple versions of
qgis (2.2 to current 2.6) doing 3 simple things :
 - auto commit the edition of geometry when in edition mode (no need to
click on save  changes each time)
 - force refresh of rendering after edition of a geometry
 - every camera changes (zoom or position), send a sql query containing
user name and geometry of view (a rectangle in wkt for instance).

I can estimate this at my poor qgis-dev level, but I would like to have the
timing for an expert qgis dev.

Many thanks,

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