[Qgis-developer] guestimating plug-in dev time?
Rémi Cura
remi.cura at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 03:00:38 PST 2015
Good to know.
I faced this postgis issue since 1.8
It would be a tremendous improve to have it solved in 2.6 (checking)
2015-01-20 9:46 GMT+01:00 Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net>:
> Hi Rémi,
> Good to hear. Note that 2.3 was the dev version and not the stable
> version. 2.4 was stable, then 2.6, 2.8, etc.
> Andreas
> On 20.01.2015 09:36, Rémi Cura wrote:
> Many thanks for all the answers !
> The new version (2.6) is way more stable than 2.3 regarding postgis table.
> I'll do some torture test and submit tickets if I find any problem.
> Cheers,
> Rémi-C
> 2015-01-19 13:31 GMT+01:00 George Silva <georger.silva at gmail.com>:
>> I also have a lot of experience with a large number of users (around
>> 15) editing a central database with PostGIS. No problems there.
>> Remi, the development time for this would be around a day. If you wish
>> to outsource that job, I have some experience with QGIS Plugins and I could
>> develop that for you.
>> George
>> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Bernhard Ströbl <
>> bernhard.stroebl at jena.de> wrote:
>>> Hi Andreas,
>>> I do not think that multi-core rendering is the issue here as Remi
>>> mentions to have experienced crashes since QGIS 1.8.
>>> Remi,
>>> I am using QGIS with Postgres/PostGIS with some dozens of users on a
>>> central database _without_ any issues in QGIS (except the multi-core issue
>>> Andreas mentioned). So do share your problems together with relevent parts
>>> of your data base so they can beanalyzed.
>>> Bernhard
>>> Am 19.01.2015 13:19, schrieb Andreas Neumann:
>>>> Hi Remi,
>>>> Regarding crashes with Postgis: do you have multithreading with a lot of
>>>> CPU cores active? I am experiencing crashes if more than 2 cores are
>>>> active. Try limiting to 2 CPU cores and see if this helps.
>>>> Still trying to investigate this issue with the devs.
>>>> Besides the above issue, editing with Postgis works stable for me -
>>>> certainly not as many crashes as you say you have.
>>>> Please do not ignore the crashes but try to report them so that the devs
>>>> can do something about it.
>>>> Andreas
>>>> On 19.01.2015 11:57, Rémi Cura wrote:
>>>>> I think a more global solution is possible.
>>>>> After all when you load a postgis layer in qgis, if somebody else
>>>>> changes it, the view is not refreshed, which is annoying (and
>>>>> sometimes dangerous because you may edit old data).
>>>>> It would be easy to ad this (which would also work for my case) using
>>>>> the LISTEN / NOTIFY feature of postgres.
>>>>> Basically when selecting a table as a new qgis layer, you
>>>>> automatically add a triger to it.
>>>>> The trigger will be fired at any change (create/delete/update).
>>>>> The trigger would simply send a message to qgis via NOTIFY.
>>>>> example : "NOTIFY qgis_change_XXXX ;", where XXXX is a unique id.
>>>>> Of course qgis would be listening, which is very simple in python
>>>>> (import psycopg2;
>>>>> conn = psycopg.connect(my_database_string)
>>>>> conn.autocommit(1)
>>>>> curs = conn.cursor()
>>>>> curs.execute("LISTEN qgis_change_XXXX;"))
>>>>> Of course one would need a mechanism to remove this trigger when not
>>>>> necessary (for instance, name the channel "qgis_change_/time_stamp/",
>>>>> delete channel too old automatically, and change channel periodically
>>>>> (20 in for instance)).
>>>>> I don't know if from a security point of view it would be possibe
>>>>> tough (would require the permission to create a trigger).
>>>>> I don't know if typical qgis user have the right to create trigger on
>>>>> database they use.
>>>>> I use a lot of different version of QGIS and I can guarantee at least
>>>>> a dozen crash a day with version 1.8 to 2.3,
>>>>> plus pending transaction with postgis whenever the crash occurs.
>>>>> I'm installing 2.6 to see if postgis layers are less fragile right now
>>>>> ^^
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Rémi-C
>>>>> 2015-01-19 11:29 GMT+01:00 Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:wonder.sk at gmail.com>>:
>>>>> I see - indeed QGIS would need to do quite some database
>>>>> inspection to understand that layer A and layer B are related.
>>>>> This should be however also easy to address in a custom plugin.
>>>>> It is surprising to me that you say PostGIS layers are fragile in
>>>>> QGIS - they are very commonly used by lots of people and we
>>>>> haven't heard about crashes in the issue tracker. If you do
>>>>> experience crashes please consider filing reports on hub.qgis.org
>>>>> <http://hub.qgis.org> with instructions on how to replicate them.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Martin
>>>>> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 5:18 PM, Rémi Cura <remi.cura at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:remi.cura at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Martin,
>>>>> one day to several days feel like a very reasonnable order of
>>>>> magnitude.
>>>>> QGis is not refreshing the view because when editing layer A
>>>>> the postgis data base automatically also edit layer B.
>>>>> I don't think qgis has a mechanism of tracking dbchanges (it
>>>>> would be possible tough).
>>>>> Morevover PostGIS layer are still "fragile" in qgis (crashes
>>>>> often).
>>>>> Thanks for the help,
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Rémi-C
>>>>> 2015-01-19 10:56 GMT+01:00 Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:wonder.sk at gmail.com>>:
>>>>> Hi Remi
>>>>> Such plugin should be quite easy to write - I would assume
>>>>> up to one day of work for an experienced pyqgis developer.
>>>>> For a newcomer it may take few more days to get familiar
>>>>> with the API, tools, environment and so on.
>>>>> For the refresh of rendering after geometry editing - that
>>>>> should work out of the box and I would consider it a bug
>>>>> if it does not.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Martin
>>>>> On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Rémi Cura
>>>>> <remi.cura at gmail.com <mailto:remi.cura at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello dear list.
>>>>> I'm usually active on the postgis or postgres list,
>>>>> but today I would like to ask a question regarding dev
>>>>> time.
>>>>> In your opinion,
>>>>> How much time would be needed to write a plugin for
>>>>> multiple versions of qgis (2.2 to current 2.6) doing 3
>>>>> simple things :
>>>>> - auto commit the edition of geometry when in edition
>>>>> mode (no need to click on save changes each time)
>>>>> - force refresh of rendering after edition of a
>>>>> geometry
>>>>> - every camera changes (zoom or position), send a sql
>>>>> query containing user name and geometry of view (a
>>>>> rectangle in wkt for instance).
>>>>> I can estimate this at my poor qgis-dev level, but I
>>>>> would like to have the timing for an expert qgis dev.
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> Remi-C
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>> George R. C. Silva
>> SIGMA Consultoria
>> ----------------------------
>> http://www.consultoriasigma.com.br/
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