[Qgis-developer] Project carrying over from one project to the next?

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sat Jun 20 00:57:00 PDT 2015

On 19-06-15 15:08, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm noticing that if you open a project, than onther one, the first
> projection seems to be preserved, and reprojection activated. Of course
> this may result in weird behaviours.
> Anyone has seen the same?

Did some testing, and partly confirmed here, but hard to reproduce.

Sometimes the project crs is taken over (switching between a 28992 and
4326 project) and sometimes it stays 28992 then, and sometimes it
follows the right crs...

Would be good to have a more reproducable scenario, but starting with a
fresh  config (--configpath /tmp/foo) create a 4326 project, then crate
a 28992 project, then go to 4326 again (via recent projects) the crs
will stay 28992 there (as if there is no 4326 defined in the project??)..
After this switching between those two projects will be ok.

BUT closing QGIS and then first open (via recent) 28992 and then 4326
the latter one will stay in 28992

Maybe has something to do with the fact that we switch between
geographic and projected crs's?

I also tested it without data (so 'emtpy' project but selecting 4326 for
one and 28992 for the second), but then it seems to go ok...

created an issue for it: http://hub.qgis.org/issues/13011


Richard Duivenvoorde

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