[Qgis-developer] Use the style tab widget in a Python plugin

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Tue Jun 23 07:29:02 PDT 2015

Hi all,

The LayerBoard plugin I made during the HF in "Nooooooooodebo" shows a
table of all vector (and raster) layers and allows to edit some properties
directly by editing the table cells, such as max and min scale, layer name,
title and abstract, assign SRS, etc.

I would like to display the content of the Style tab of the layer
properties dialog in a panel right to the table. This tab will show the
style interface refreshed whenever the user clicks on a layer in the tab,
and let her/him change the style for this layer the same way we do via the
layer properties dialog.

I have searched a bit in the api and in the source code, but cannot find
the right way to do so. I have not found a custom Widget which I can
instantiate with the layer and wich will provide me all the logic

Is this even possible ? Has anyone an idea of how to to this without
rewriting all the code ( connection between ui elements and slots)

Thanks in advance

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