[Qgis-developer] QgsGeometryMap doubts

Enrico Fiore enricofiore at libero.it
Tue May 5 08:56:05 PDT 2015

I have some doubts about QgsGeometryMap type.

I use layer from a PostgreSQL database and I use the 
committedGeometriesChanges() signal to check if a geometry was changed.
By the QGIS API documentation I can see that committedGeometriesChanges() 
return a QgsGeometryMap, that is so defined:

      typedef QMap<QgsFeatureId, QgsGeometry> QgsGeometryMap

Iterating over the QMap object I have discovered that the 'key' portion 
(QgsFeaureId) is ugual to the "id" attribute values (defined as table primary 
key) of the features, is that fortuitous or there is a reason?

Is there a method to read the attribute values starting by the QgsGeometryMap 




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