[Qgis-developer] New authentication system ready

Larry Shaffer larrys at dakotacarto.com
Fri Sep 25 05:59:20 PDT 2015

Hi devs,

As you can see in the PR [0], I've fixed up some things, including adding
the ability to edit an authentication ID, which will help with workflows
where users need to share projects. I've also cleaned up the interface and
moved most PKI-related dialogs out of the main Options view.

I am working on another widget that can be used for the Handle Bad Layers
and the Layers Properties dialogs. That should work for most issues
occurring when sharing projects and when users open projects with missing
authentication IDs. I've also added feedback in the selector widget when it
tries to load a config ID that is missing.

I should have those bits done today, then it's mostly work on finishing the
unit test migration to C++.

**However, I would like to merge this now, since it is in a very good state
for doing so. Does anyone have objections with me merging this?**

[0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/2330


Larry Shaffer
Dakota Cartography
Black Hills, South Dakota

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 4:38 AM, Luca Manganelli <luca76 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 10:02 PM, Régis Haubourg
> <regis.haubourg at eau-adour-garonne.fr> wrote:
> > Wooooh. that's huge work Larry. Will need quite some time to inspect all
> that
> > and give some feedback. Any way , bravo!
> > Régis
> +1. The documentation is a MASSIVE job. Compliments!
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