[Qgis-developer] Add a WHERE clause to field calculator

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Apr 8 05:31:58 PDT 2016

Yeah - I know about the CASE WHEN possibility, which is great if you
want to do it all in one statement, but I think the WHERE section would
still be useful for people familiar with databases and who want to set
different values to different subsets one by one, without having to
leave the field calculator. 


On 2016-04-08 14:09, DelazJ wrote:

> Hi, Andreas, what about using a CASE WHEN ... THEN...( ELSE ...) END function? 
> 2016-04-08 13:53 GMT+02:00 Neumann, Andreas <a.neumann at carto.net>:
>> Hi, 
>> Would it be possible to add a "WHERE" clause to the field calculator? Currently, if you want to update a subset of the records you would have to do a two-step producedure: 
>> 1. Make a selection 
>> 2. Open field calculator and use the checkbox "only update selected features". 
>> I think, in some workflows it would be more efficient if one had a text input area where one can enter a WHERE clause and the field calculator would respect the WHERE clause, if filled in. It would reduce the two-step operation into a one or 1.5 step operation, so more efficient. If you have to update based on multiple different subsets it would be even more efficient. 
>> Would this be a useful enhancement to more users? Esp. for those who know SQL ;-) ? 
>> Thanks and greetings, 
>> Andreas
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