[Qgis-developer] Add a WHERE clause to field calculator

DelazJ delazj at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 05:09:02 PDT 2016

Andreas, what about using a CASE WHEN ... THEN...( ELSE ...) END function?

2016-04-08 13:53 GMT+02:00 Neumann, Andreas <a.neumann at carto.net>:

> Hi,
> Would it be possible to add a "WHERE" clause to the field calculator?
> Currently, if you want to update a subset of the records you would have to
> do a two-step producedure:
> 1. Make a selection
> 2. Open field calculator and use the checkbox "only update selected
> features".
> I think, in some workflows it would be more efficient if one had a text
> input area where one can enter a WHERE clause and the field calculator
> would respect the WHERE clause, if filled in. It would reduce the two-step
> operation into a one or 1.5 step operation, so more efficient. If you have
> to update based on multiple different subsets it would be even more
> efficient.
> Would this be a useful enhancement to more users? Esp. for those who know
> SQL ;-) ?
> Thanks and greetings,
> Andreas
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