[Qgis-developer] Warning from DigitizingTools about CRS mismatch

Mark Johnson mj10777 at googlemail.com
Sat Apr 9 01:54:49 PDT 2016

>>If he enables editing on a shape file with the following .prj file, it
doesn't happen:
- as found in spatialite spatial_ref_sys EPSG:25832

>>DigitizingTools: Amend Line is disabled because layer CRS and project CRS
do not match!
>>The project CRS is EPSG:25832. The shape file has the following .prj file:
- with a 'Z' in 'Zone' as apposed to the small 'z' in 'zone'

If QGIS is only checking this, then: 'z' != 'Z'
- checking with a 'toLower' could resolve this

Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany
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