[Qgis-developer] GRASS Plugin Delete vector issue in windows

roy roy royroge at outlook.com
Mon Apr 18 02:42:13 PDT 2016

Can anyone confirm this issue with GRASS Plugin on:

Windows 64/32bit with QGIS 2.14.1 and Master

GRASS 7.0.3 GRASS Plugin

If you load a vector layer from GRASS DB in QGIS Layers Panel,
then you remove it from the panel, still it is impossible to
delete the vector from GRASS DB using the Browser Panel delete function.

Step to reproduce:

- Load a vector file in a GRASS mapset using "v.in.ogr",
- press "View output" to load the vector in QGIS,
- remove the vector from QGIS Layers Panel
- In the Browser panel right click the vector and choose "delete"

the vector file is not deleted (or partially deleted?) and the geometry is corrupted
making the file unusable.

also: if you close QGIS and reopen it (before trying to delete the

vector file, the file in deleted without errors.

BTW This does not happens on Linux so it seems specific

to windows NTFS(?)

Thanks, Roy.

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