[Qgis-developer] DWG/DXF Import on Linux

Pedro Venâncio pedrongvenancio at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 06:41:01 PST 2016

Hi Jürgen

I'm testing DWG/DXF Import tool, and it works great on Windows!

But it does not work here on Linux. On Linux, when I try to import the DWG,
it says:
"Could not open layer list" and then
"Drawing import failed ()".

Also, when I try to open (on Linux) a geopackage created with DWG/DXF
Import on Windows, it says:
"Invalid Data Source: /home/pedro/.../xxx.gpkg is not a valid or recognized
data source".

It's not ready for Linux yet?

Another great work! Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Pedro Venâncio
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