[Qgis-developer] How can I use QgsRasterDataProvider.write from Python in QGIS?

Radosław Pasiok rpasiok at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 14:10:25 PST 2016

Sorry for cross-posting. I have asked that question before on StackExchange
[1] without much success. I would be very thankful if you can point me in
the right direction.

I would like to change a raster cell value from Python in QGIS using
QgsRasterDataProvider.write method. It takes the following arguments (from

virtual bool QgsRasterDataProvider::write   (
    void *      data,
    int     band,
    int     width,
    int     height,
    int     xOffset,
    int     yOffset

How can I construct the pointer (data) with a new cell value?

I am working on a plugin modifying single raster cell value [2] and the
QgsRasterDataProvider.write method would let me write a raster without
using GDAL.

[2] https://github.com/erpas/serval
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