[Qgis-developer] Compiling QGIS with GRASS Plugin

m roy royroge at outlook.com
Fri Feb 26 08:32:37 PST 2016


i'm learning to compile QGIS in Ubuntu 14.04,
managed to compile QGIS 2.14 and installed
in a custom dir with make install,



QGIS starts (by the way the 2.14 splash screen image is HUGE :))

with some warnings and one error:

ERROR 4: `/initrd.img' not recognised as a supported file format.

but it seems to work, anyway i cannot find the GRASS Plugin, is there
some other variable to set so that QGIS can see it ?
libgrass*7.so are present in the lib/qgis/plugins/ directory so i do not
think there is a compile issue (?)

thanks ! Roy.

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