[Qgis-developer] QGis Question !

Mathieu Pellethier-Langle m.pellethier at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 05:15:53 PST 2016

To whom it may concern,

first of all, I would like to present myself. I’m Mathieu
PELLETHIER-LANGLE, a French engineering student who takes part in a group
project which works on a software for the fire department. Our goal is to
propose them a cartographic interface allowing them to coordinate their
interventions on wildfires. That’s why, knowing the fact that QGis is Open
Source and offers most of the features we want to implement in our
software, we would like to use it as a working basis and modify it. Thus,
we would like to add some features, suppress all the features we don’t need
and recast the interface to make it simpler.

The point is, this software will have to be extremely ergonomic, the
interface simpler and more reactive, with only a few buttons, so we’ll have
to make many modifications. That’s why, knowing the fact that our
programming skills are pretty average and that we didn’t work the python
language during our studies, we wanted to ask you if you think this is
realisable or if we should better, instead of pruning a big software like
QGis, start from a much simpler software, easier to understand, and add the
features we want to it.

I already thank you for your consideration.

Elève-Ingénieur 4ème année -- ESSTIN
*Chargé d'Affaires de la Junior-Entreprise ESSTIN Services*
Tél :

~~~~ESSTIN Services vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année et des
meilleurs voeux pour 2016 !~~~~
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