[Qgis-developer] Heads Up, Pull Requests and upcoming Feature Freeze

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Tue Jan 12 02:31:32 PST 2016

Hi everybody,

Feature freeze for QGIS 2.14 is just a couple of days ahead. As of the
15.1.2016 no more features will be merged until the upcoming version is
branched at the 26.2.2016.

**Core developers**

please go through your pull requests so we do not miss out on nice
features and are left with an unnecessary long pull request queue for
the next release.

You can check what your pull requests are at

https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pulls -> Filter

If you need more information, ask for it. If you don't feel responsible,
assign somebody who is more responsible.


If there has been no activity on your pull request in a while and you
would like to have it merged, please kindly ask the reviewer for
feedback and ask for the requirements to get your pull request ahead.

Thanks to everybody for helping to make QGIS 2.14 an amazing release!

Kind regards

Matthias Kuhn
OPENGIS.ch - https://www.opengis.ch
Spatial • (Q)GIS • PostGIS • Open Source

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