[Qgis-developer] Error inserting new feature in geoserver wfs-t layer
Calzavara Antonio
antonio.calzavara at provincia.padova.it
Thu Jan 14 00:28:53 PST 2016
We have a multipolygon layer in postgis exposed as wfs-t layer in geoserver.
We are trying to edit it with QGis 2.12.1, and we can update and delete feature, but we have some problems inserting new feature
If we create a feature with a single polygon, on saving we always have an error:
Could not commit changes to layer piove_di_sacco:d3cp_fabbricati
Errors: ERROR: 1 feature(s) not added.
Provider errors:
unsuccessful service response: Error performing insert: java.lang.String cannot be cast to com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry
But if we create two polygon and merge them as a single feature, then insert works.
It seems QGis send a gml multypoligon feature if there is more than a polygon, a polygon feature otherwise, while geoserver needs a strictly corresponding feature type with that defined on the layer.
I think the correct behavior was to create a multypoligon feature with a single ring if the wfs layer is a multipolygon.
Is there a workaround? Force QGis to always send multypoligon feature type?
We have the same behavior with a multilinestring layer inserting single linestring.
Antonio Calzavara
U.O. Sistema Informativo Territoriale
Settore Sistemi Informativi
Provincia di Padova
Piazza Antenore, 3 - 35121 PADOVA
*tel: 0498201313 - 6fax: 0498201303
*email: antonio.calzavara at provincia.padova.it<mailto:antonio.calzavara at provincia.padova.it>
Skype: tony.kaltz
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