[Qgis-developer] WFS Provider Strategies

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jul 20 08:51:26 PDT 2016

> In which case does that help? Isn't every cached feature downloaded
> again (with potentially more up to date information) anyway?

You get the feeling of a more responsive UI when you can reuse already 
downloaded features, but that's true that if the server content has changed in 
between, you won't get the new version. In which case you'll have to reload 
the layer with F5.

> >> Question: *is **there anybody using WFS with this option unchecked?* And
> >> if yes, for what reason?
> > 
> > Yes it is needed for some use cases. There are servers that have buggy
> > behaviour with BBOX requests combined with other filters. Or the cost of
> > solving a spatial request might be super high, making it more practical
> > to issue a GetFeature without a BBOX.
> Ok, so it should be a super well hidden checkbox with a big warning sign
> next to it?

That really depend on servers. If the current default behaviour is OK for 
most, it might still be useful that the option is not too hidden if users have 
issues with some servers. They might have a better chance of trying to uncheck 
the option. Where would you hide it ?
Note: this is not new to 2.16 as far as I remember. The option was already 

Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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