[Qgis-developer] Build issue on Ubuntu 16.04 xenial with release-2_14 : crssync target failed

kimaidou kimaidou at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 04:49:53 PDT 2016

Hi Bas,

Thanks for your answer.
It appears I built gdal on year ago to check GeoJson write capabilities in

Now, I have indeed just upgraded to last Ubuntu xenial, and I am trying to
get rid of old GDAL build and reinstall GDAL from repositories. So I
removed all symlinks made earlier today, I remove old Gdal build, remove
all lines concerning GDAL in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/. I ran ldconfig

Then uninstalled qgis and gdal-bin + libgdal and others, restarted my

It still does not work.
mdouchin at mdouchin-Lenovo-U41-70:~$ ldd /usr/local/bin/gdalinfo | grep "not
    libnetcdf.so.7 => not found
    libgif.so.4 => not found

I will do some more googling....
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