[Qgis-developer] custom charts?

Hugo Mercier hugo.mercier at oslandia.com
Wed Jun 22 05:39:21 PDT 2016

Hi Raymond,

On 22/06/2016 14:19, Raymond Nijssen wrote:
> Dear developers,
> Can I somehow show custom images for each point feature on a map,
> similar to the layer diagrams?
> Having locations with a few sensor values, I'd like to generate a custom
> image for every feature (for example svg or png) and have it displayed
> on my feature.
> I've come up with some ideas:
> - Create many custom svg files in a directory linked to qgis, and
> afterwards create a long rule-based style for every unique feature;
> - Add a text field to my feature layer containig svg, and somehow make
> qgis display that on my map;

This should work, no ?

> - Add a text field to my feature layer containig a path to a png (or
> svg), and somehow make qgis display that on my map.

An SVG marker with the file name defined as an expression ?

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