[Qgis-developer] Fwd: build Q-GIS_master from git on debian 8
christoph.macho at gmx.at
Mon Jun 27 08:36:50 PDT 2016
Here is the test!?
how is this possible after a smooth compilation?
The following tests FAILED:
CMake Error: Cannot open file for write:
CMake Error: : System Error: Permission denied
Problem opening file:
Cannot create log file: LastTestsFailed.log
1 - ProcessingParametersTest (Failed)
2 - ProcessingQgisAlgorithmsTest (Failed)
3 - ProcessingGdalAlgorithmsTest (Failed)
4 - ProcessingGrass7AlgorithmsTest (Failed)
5 - qgis_25drenderertest (OTHER_FAULT)
6 - qgis_applicationtest (OTHER_FAULT)
7 - qgis_atlascompositiontest (OTHER_FAULT)
8 - qgis_authcryptotest (OTHER_FAULT)
9 - qgis_authconfigtest (OTHER_FAULT)
10 - qgis_authmanagertest (OTHER_FAULT)
11 - qgis_blendmodestest (OTHER_FAULT)
15 - qgis_composerddtest (OTHER_FAULT)
16 - qgis_composereffectstest (OTHER_FAULT)
17 - qgis_composergrouptest (OTHER_FAULT)
18 - qgis_composerhtmltest (OTHER_FAULT)
19 - qgis_compositiontest (OTHER_FAULT)
20 - qgis_composerlabeltest (OTHER_FAULT)
21 - qgis_composermapgridtest (OTHER_FAULT)
22 - qgis_composermapoverviewtest (OTHER_FAULT)
23 - qgis_composermaptest (OTHER_FAULT)
24 - qgis_composermodel (OTHER_FAULT)
25 - qgis_composermultiframetest (OTHER_FAULT)
26 - qgis_composerobject (OTHER_FAULT)
27 - qgis_composerpapertest (OTHER_FAULT)
28 - qgis_composerpicturetest (OTHER_FAULT)
29 - qgis_composerrotationtest (OTHER_FAULT)
30 - qgis_composerscalebartest (OTHER_FAULT)
31 - qgis_composershapestest (OTHER_FAULT)
32 - qgis_composertabletest (OTHER_FAULT)
33 - qgis_composertablev2test (OTHER_FAULT)
34 - qgis_composerutils (OTHER_FAULT)
35 - qgis_connectionpooltest (OTHER_FAULT)
37 - qgis_coordinatereferencesystemtest (OTHER_FAULT)
38 - qgis_coordinatetransformtest (OTHER_FAULT)
39 - qgis_datadefined (OTHER_FAULT)
40 - qgis_dataitemtest (OTHER_FAULT)
42 - qgis_diagramtest (OTHER_FAULT)
43 - qgis_distanceareatest (OTHER_FAULT)
44 - qgis_ellipsemarkertest (OTHER_FAULT)
45 - qgis_expressioncontext (OTHER_FAULT)
46 - qgis_expressiontest (OTHER_FAULT)
50 - qgis_filledmarkertest (OTHER_FAULT)
52 - qgis_fontmarkertest2 (OTHER_FAULT)
54 - qgis_geometrytest (OTHER_FAULT)
57 - qgis_gradienttest (OTHER_FAULT)
59 - qgis_histogramtest (OTHER_FAULT)
60 - qgis_imageoperationtest (OTHER_FAULT)
61 - qgis_invertedpolygontest (OTHER_FAULT)
62 - qgis_labelingenginev2 (OTHER_FAULT)
63 - qgis_layertree (OTHER_FAULT)
64 - qgis_legendrenderertest (OTHER_FAULT)
65 - qgis_centroidfillsymboltest (OTHER_FAULT)
66 - qgis_linefillsymboltest (OTHER_FAULT)
67 - qgis_maplayerstylemanager (OTHER_FAULT)
68 - qgis_maplayertest (OTHER_FAULT)
69 - qgis_maprenderertest (OTHER_FAULT)
70 - qgis_maprotationtest (OTHER_FAULT)
71 - qgis_mapsettingstest (OTHER_FAULT)
72 - qgis_maptopixelgeometrysimplifiertest (OTHER_FAULT)
74 - qgis_markerlinessymboltest (OTHER_FAULT)
75 - qgis_networkcontentfetcher (OTHER_FAULT)
76 - qgis_ogcutilstest (OTHER_FAULT)
77 - qgis_ogrutilstest (OTHER_FAULT)
79 - qgis_painteffecttest (OTHER_FAULT)
81 - qgis_pointlocatortest (OTHER_FAULT)
82 - qgis_pointpatternfillsymboltest (OTHER_FAULT)
86 - qgis_rasterfilewritertest (OTHER_FAULT)
87 - qgis_rasterfilltest (OTHER_FAULT)
88 - qgis_rasterlayertest (OTHER_FAULT)
89 - qgis_rastersublayertest (OTHER_FAULT)
91 - qgis_rendererstest (OTHER_FAULT)
92 - qgis_rulebasedrenderertest (OTHER_FAULT)
93 - qgis_scaleexpressiontest (OTHER_FAULT)
94 - qgis_shapebursttest (OTHER_FAULT)
95 - qgis_simplemarkertest (OTHER_FAULT)
96 - qgis_snappingutilstest (OTHER_FAULT)
97 - qgis_spatialindextest (OTHER_FAULT)
100 - qgis_stylev2test (OTHER_FAULT)
101 - qgis_svgmarkertest (OTHER_FAULT)
102 - qgis_symbolv2test (OTHER_FAULT)
103 - qgis_tracertest (OTHER_FAULT)
104 - qgis_typographicstylingutils (OTHER_FAULT)
105 - qgis_vectordataprovidertest (OTHER_FAULT)
106 - qgis_vectorlayercachetest (OTHER_FAULT)
107 - qgis_vectorlayerjoinbuffer (OTHER_FAULT)
108 - qgis_vectorlayertest (OTHER_FAULT)
109 - qgis_ziplayertest (OTHER_FAULT)
110 - qgis_zoomtest (SEGFAULT)
111 - qgis_doublespinbox (SEGFAULT)
112 - qgis_dualviewtest (SEGFAULT)
113 - qgis_attributeformtest (SEGFAULT)
114 - qgis_dockwidget (SEGFAULT)
115 - qgis_fieldexpressionwidget (SEGFAULT)
116 - qgis_filewidget (SEGFAULT)
117 - qgis_focuswatcher (SEGFAULT)
118 - qgis_mapcanvastest (SEGFAULT)
119 - qgis_projectionissues (SEGFAULT)
120 - qgis_qgsguitest (SEGFAULT)
121 - qgis_rubberbandtest (SEGFAULT)
122 - qgis_scalecombobox (SEGFAULT)
123 - qgis_spinbox (SEGFAULT)
124 - qgis_sqlcomposerdialog (SEGFAULT)
125 - qgis_analyzertest (OTHER_FAULT)
127 - qgis_zonalstatisticstest (OTHER_FAULT)
128 - qgis_rastercalculatortest (OTHER_FAULT)
130 - qgis_wcsprovidertest (OTHER_FAULT)
131 - qgis_gdalprovidertest (OTHER_FAULT)
132 - qgis_wmscapabilititestest (OTHER_FAULT)
133 - qgis_wmsprovidertest (OTHER_FAULT)
134 - qgis_grassprovidertest7 (OTHER_FAULT)
135 - qgis_apppythontest (SEGFAULT)
136 - qgis_qgisappclipboard (SEGFAULT)
137 - qgis_attributetabletest (SEGFAULT)
138 - qgis_fieldcalculatortest (SEGFAULT)
139 - qgis_maptoolidentifyaction (SEGFAULT)
140 - qgis_measuretool (SEGFAULT)
141 - qgis_vectorlayersaveasdialogtest (SEGFAULT)
142 - PyQgsActionManager (Failed)
143 - PyQgsAggregateCalculator (Failed)
144 - PyQgsAnalysis (Failed)
145 - PyQgsApplication (Failed)
146 - PyQgsAtlasComposition (Failed)
147 - PyQgsAttributeFormEditorWidget (Failed)
148 - PyQgsAttributeTableConfig (Failed)
149 - PyQgsAttributeTableModel (Failed)
150 - PyQgsBlendModes (Failed)
151 - PyQgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 (Failed)
152 - PyQgsColorButtonV2 (Failed)
155 - PyQgsComposerEffects (Failed)
156 - PyQgsComposerHtml (Failed)
157 - PyQgsComposerLabel (Failed)
158 - PyQgsComposerMap (Failed)
159 - PyQgsComposerMapGrid (Failed)
160 - PyQgsComposerPicture (Failed)
161 - PyQgsComposerShapes (Failed)
162 - PyQgsComposerPolygon (Failed)
163 - PyQgsComposerPolyline (Failed)
164 - PyQgsComposerView (Failed)
165 - PyQgsComposition (Failed)
166 - PyQgsConditionalStyle (Failed)
167 - PyQgsCoordinateTransform (Failed)
168 - PyQgsCRSCache (Failed)
170 - PyQgsDelimitedTextProvider (Failed)
171 - PyQgsDistanceArea (Failed)
172 - PyQgsEditWidgets (Failed)
173 - PyQgsExpression (Failed)
174 - PyQgsFeature (Failed)
175 - PyQgsProject (Failed)
176 - PyQgsFeatureIterator (Failed)
177 - PyQgsField (Failed)
178 - PyQgsFontUtils (Failed)
179 - PyQgsGeometryAvoidIntersections (Failed)
180 - PyQgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayerV2 (Failed)
181 - PyQgsGeometryTest (Failed)
182 - PyQgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2 (Failed)
184 - PyQgsJSONUtils (Failed)
186 - PyQgsMemoryProvider (Failed)
187 - PyQgsMultiEditToolButton (Failed)
189 - PyQgsNullSymbolRenderer (Failed)
190 - PyQgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialog (Failed)
191 - PyQgsOGRProviderGpkg (Failed)
192 - PyQgsOGRProviderSqlite (Failed)
193 - PyQgsPalLabelingBase (Failed)
194 - PyQgsPalLabelingCanvas (Failed)
195 - PyQgsPalLabelingComposer (Failed)
196 - PyQgsPalLabelingPlacement (Failed)
197 - PyQgsPoint (Failed)
198 - PyQgsRangeWidgets (Failed)
199 - PyQgsRasterFileWriter (Failed)
200 - PyQgsRasterLayer (Failed)
201 - PyQgsRectangle (Failed)
202 - PyQgsRelation (Failed)
203 - PyQgsRelationManager (Failed)
204 - PyQgsRendererV2 (Failed)
205 - PyQgsRulebasedRenderer (Failed)
206 - PyQgsSingleSymbolRenderer (Failed)
207 - PyQgsShapefileProvider (Failed)
208 - PyQgsTabfileProvider (Failed)
209 - PyQgsOGRProvider (Failed)
210 - PyQgsSearchWidgetToolButton (Failed)
211 - PyQgsSearchWidgetWrapper (Failed)
212 - PyQgsShortcutsManager (Failed)
213 - PyQgsSpatialIndex (Failed)
214 - PyQgsSpatialiteProvider (Failed)
217 - PyQgsSymbolLayerV2 (Failed)
218 - PyQgsArrowSymbolLayer (Failed)
219 - PyQgsSymbolExpressionVariables (Failed)
220 - PyQgsSyntacticSugar (Failed)
221 - PyQgsSymbolV2 (Failed)
224 - PyQgsVectorFileWriter (Failed)
225 - PyQgsVectorLayer (Failed)
226 - PyQgsZonalStatistics (Failed)
228 - PyQgsVirtualLayerProvider (Failed)
230 - PyQgsLayerDefinition (Failed)
231 - PyQgsWFSProvider (Failed)
232 - PyQgsWFSProviderGUI (Failed)
233 - PyQgsConsole (Failed)
235 - PyQgsAppStartup (Failed)
Greets Christoph
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Qgis-developer] build q-gis gti_master from source on debian 8
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 16:49:42 +0200
From: christoph <christoph.macho at gmx.at>
To: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Hello everyone,
I try to build QGIS-master from source on my debian 8 system
with self compiled versions of:
gdal 2.2.0
liblas 1.8.0
grass 7.04.
proj 4.9.2
geos 3.5.0
spatiliteindex 1.8.4
libspatialite 4.3.0a
cmake 3.5.2
qwt-polar 1.1.1
qt 4.8.6
python 2.7
see here:
-- QGIS version: 2.15.0 Master (21500)
-- Could not find GRASS 6
-- Found GRASS 7: /usr/lib/grass (7.0.4, off_t size = )
-- Found Proj: /usr/local/lib/libproj.so
-- Found GEOS: /usr/local/lib/libgeos_c.so (3.5.0)
-- Found GDAL: /usr/local/lib/libgdal.so (2.2.0dev)
-- Found Expat: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexpat.so
-- Found Spatialindex: /usr/local/lib/libspatialindex.so
-- Found Qwt: /usr/local/lib/libqwt.so (6.1.4)
-- Found Sqlite3: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libsqlite3.so
-- Found PostgreSQL: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpq.so
-- Found SpatiaLite: /usr/local/lib/libspatialite.so
-- Qt WebKit support enabled
-- Found Qt version: 4.8.6
-- Touch support disabled
-- Found QScintilla2: /usr/lib/libqscintilla2.so (2.8.4)
-- Found QCA: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libqca.so (2.0.3)
-- QCA OpenSSL plugin C++ check failed to compile
-- QCA OpenSSL plugin C++ check compile output:
-- Change Dir: /home/christoph/myworld/QGIS/cmake_qgis/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Compilation runs fine without any trouble,
but nearly all test fail,
and when I try to start :
christoph at excelsior:~/ qgis
why this ?
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