[Qgis-developer] Strange attribute table behaviour

Stefan Ziegler stefan.ziegler.de at gmail.com
Thu May 5 10:24:28 PDT 2016


I have some tables with a primary key but without the typical "nextval(...
sequence...)" definition:

CREATE TABLE nplso_2495.chcantoncode
  itfcode integer NOT NULL,
  ilicode character varying(1024) NOT NULL,
  seq integer,
  dispname character varying(250) NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT chcantoncode_pkey PRIMARY KEY (itfcode)

I can load the table in QGIS but when opening the attribute table it only
shows three times the "itfcode" column.

It works with tables with a primary key like this:

t_id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('nplso_2495.t_ili2db_seq'::regclass),

Can anybody confirm? I'm on master on ubuntu 16.04.

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