[Qgis-developer] how to avoid full-table scans to determine primary key, extents?

Chris Nicholas cnicholas at housecanary.com
Mon Nov 14 16:43:31 PST 2016

greetings -

I have noticed for a long time, that despite checking the  “use estimated metadata” box when adding PostGIS layers, QGIS seems to issue 2 full-table scan queries. Although I do notice a number of queries to pg_stats, etc looking for various things, NET/NET is 2 full table scans looking like:
SELECT count(distinct ("block_id"))=count(("block_id")) FROM "christest"."block_th_view"
SELECT st_extent("the_geom") FROM "christest"."block_th_view"
Consider a well-indexed table with billions of GPS points with a free running counter as its unique key, that only allows display up to a zoom scale of 1:1000. Good GIST indexing and fast RAID disks make such a huge table very usable ... ONCE given a chance… The user KNOWS it’s extent is the whole world and the primary key is indeed unique. But there seems to be no way to “just add it”…
For tables with many hundreds of millions of objects, this is an unreasonable operation to perform every time that layer is added.
I am a complete newbie to the QGIS source, but am wondering if
QgsPostgresProvider::extent() might be enhanced, or perhaps more generally QgsVectorDataProvider::extent() , to store some metadata in the local sqlite database, and recognize a new “extent” tag on a maplayer within a project, and a “skip metadata checks” preference to just trust these values. Similarly for QgsPostgresProvider::uniqueData() .
Helping user avoid unneeded full data table scans will make QGIS *-far-* more usable.

thank you
Chris Nicholas

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