[Qgis-developer] $scale vs. @map_scale variable - Inconsistency between Desktop and Server

Neumann, Andreas a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Oct 11 01:12:47 PDT 2016

Hi Nyall, 

Thank you - this explains it. I wasn't aware that QGIS server uses an
old map renderer. I did not even know that different map renderers
exist. But this has nothing to do with the old vs. the new symbology -
right? Because QGIS Server seems to work just fine with the new
symbology and labeling. 

So much work to do around QGIS 3.x / QGIS Server, etc. ...  


On 2016-10-11 10:05, Nyall Dawson wrote:

> On 11 Oct 2016 5:59 PM, "Neumann, Andreas" <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I noticed that $scale and @map_scale exist in parallel, but are not consistently behaving between QGIS Desktop and QGIS server.
>> $scale: works fine on both Desktop and Server, but expression preview in QGIS Desktop fails.
>> @map_scale: works fine on QGIS Desktop and also in expression preview, but fails on QGIS Server. 
> Hi Andreas, 
> Server doesn't have access to any of the map settings related variables, like the scale, rotation, extent, etc. (This is why 25d ordering is messed up in server). 
> Server needs to be ported away from the old map renderer before this can be fixed. 
> Nyall
>> Context: expression to calculate letter spacing in a label for different map scale. Tested on QGIS Master 2.x on Windows 7 64bit.
>> Thank you,
>> Andreas
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