[Qgis-developer] New GEarthView 3.0.4 version
Geo DrinX
geodrinx at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 03:08:32 PDT 2016
Hello All,
as in object, I released some day ago ( october 6 - 2016) a new version
of GEarthView plugin for QuantumGIS.
This 3.0.4 version has some interesting new for many of the tens of
thousands of users who use it habitually.
The first new function permits to digitize in 3D taking measures in
GoogleEarth PRO.
The second function permits to display Extruded Buildings in GoogleEarth,
from QuantumGIS polygon elements.
The third function permits to hilite the polygon or extrusion elements
moving the cursor inside them in GoogleEarth.
Who wants test this new version can download it from my github:
Best Regards
2016-10-06 11:25 GMT+02:00 Geo DrinX <geodrinx at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I just released a new version of GEarthView, the 3.0.4.
> GEarthView 3.0.4 news:
> 1) PasteFromGE now permits to digitize in 3D from Google Earth PRO measure.
> 2) Publishes the Extrusion of buildings, using height field.
> 3) The published polygons and extrusions are hilited when mouse is inside them.
> Best regards
> Roberto
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