[Qgis-developer] Issue with vector menu and localization

DelazJ delazj at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 01:45:57 PDT 2016


Indeed, this is a 2.16 bug which has been fixed. On my french machine, I
have a single Vector/Vecteur/Vektor menu (corresponding to the language I
select) which contains both plugins and processing functions.

In 2.18, When I let everything in french, I still have an unique Vecteur
menu containing all functions.
But I have 2 menus 'Vector' (for plugins) and 'Vecteur' (for Processing)
when i override my locale with english. Pressing the ALT key reveals that
both menus do not have same shortcut.
I also get double menus (Vektor vs Vecteur) when I switch to Deutsch. But
ALT shortcut are identical (V)

This behavior is totally different from the one described by Andreas so I
wonder if it has not to do with translation rather than code.


2016-10-28 10:24 GMT+02:00 Arnaud Morvan <arnaud.morvan at camptocamp.com>:

> Hi Andreas,
> We got the same problem with 2.16 in french.
> The processing menu configuration do not support translations.
> Once the first run have been made, the config menu entries are set in the
> current translation.
> Note that when this will be corrected in transifex and released (Vect&or
> translation for the processing menu entries),
> I've added a reset button in processing dialog next to menus node in
> master branch,
> but this have not been backported to master_2.
> Here is a backport pull request : https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/3686
> I think that we should remove the "Vect&or/" prefix in processing config
> for menus.
> Adding it dynamically when creating the menu entries would be better.
> Chears
> Arnaud Morvan
> Ingénieur logiciel
> Tél: +33 (0)4 58 48 20 32
> Camptocamp France SAS
> Savoie Technolac, BP 352
> 73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedexhttp://www.camptocamp.com
> Le 28/10/2016 08:32, Neumann, Andreas a écrit :
> Hi,
> There is a localization issue with the vector menu in QGIS 2.18x
> When I have english as my GUI language I have one vector menu (nice), but
> when I switch to german I end up with two vector menus: "Vektor" (contains
> plugins) and "Vector" (contains all the Processing stuff (former fTools)).
> Probably the same in other languages when "Vector" is translated to
> something else ...
> Is there something we can do about this situation?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
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