[Qgis-developer] Issue with vector menu and localization

Arnaud Morvan arnaud.morvan at camptocamp.com
Fri Oct 28 01:24:33 PDT 2016

Hi Andreas,

We got the same problem with 2.16 in french.

The processing menu configuration do not support translations.
Once the first run have been made, the config menu entries are set in 
the current translation.

Note that when this will be corrected in transifex and released (Vect&or 
translation for the processing menu entries),
I've added a reset button in processing dialog next to menus node in 
master branch,
but this have not been backported to master_2.
Here is a backport pull request : https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/3686

I think that we should remove the "Vect&or/" prefix in processing config 
for menus.
Adding it dynamically when creating the menu entries would be better.


Arnaud Morvan
Ingénieur logiciel
Tél: +33 (0)4 58 48 20 32

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex

Le 28/10/2016 08:32, Neumann, Andreas a écrit :
> Hi,
> There is a localization issue with the vector menu in QGIS 2.18x
> When I have english as my GUI language I have one vector menu (nice), 
> but when I switch to german I end up with two vector menus: "Vektor" 
> (contains plugins) and "Vector" (contains all the Processing stuff 
> (former fTools)).
> Probably the same in other languages when "Vector" is translated to 
> something else ...
> Is there something we can do about this situation?
> Thanks,
> Andreas
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