[Qgis-developer] Python and keyboard shortcuts

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Sep 2 06:46:55 PDT 2016

On 02-09-16 13:57, Casper Børgesen (CABO) wrote:

> Does anyone have a clue as to what could be wrong?

Not exactly, but I know these lines:


are working for me to show the settings dialog of TimeManager plugin.

And there is also the option having conflicting Keyboards shortcuts. Not
sure how Qt handles those, but currently in the Qt-tab of the message
dialog (little icon right-bottom corner), it shows with me:

2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: &Options...
2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: New Temporary
Scratch Layer...
2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: About
2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: Choose a plugin to
be reloaded
2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: Show Time Manager
2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: Graphical &Modeler...
2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: &History...
2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: &Options...
2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: &Results Viewer...
2016-09-02T15:40:58	1	Duplicate shortcut registered: &Commander

Could that be your problem?


Richard Duivenvoorde

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