[QGIS-Developer] Possible discussion during hackfest?

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 02:56:24 PDT 2017

Hey all,

I'm wondering if it's possible for us to block aside some time during
the upcoming hackfest for a group discussion about the future of QGIS.

In the previous hackfests I've attended there's been excellent
presentations showing off what individual organisations (and
individuals themselves) are working on for future inclusion in the
QGIS ecosystem, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing these
again this weekend. But apart from some targeted discussions (such as
making plans for qt5/python 3/qgis 3/issue tracker) I haven't been
aware of any larger discussion amongst all these interested parties
about the general "future direction" of the project.

Specifically - I'd LOVE for us to set aside some time for all these
invested parties to be able to discuss what we see as weaknesses in
QGIS and possible threats to its future success as a project. And
obviously, make some collaborative plans together about what we can do
to address these weakness (and smash down any threats to our world
dominance with lava powered mega super lasers ;) ).

Would anyone else find this valuable? For me, setting aside 30-60 mins
for SWOT Analysis on QGIS' future amongst all these organisations and
individuals who are financially/emotionally invested in the project
would alone make my trip to the hackfest worthwhile :)


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