[QGIS-Developer] Python27 still main version in Osgeo4W Shell? (QGIS 2.99)

Jürgen E. Fischer jef at norbit.de
Sun Dec 3 04:07:59 PST 2017

Hi Hannes,

On Fri, 01. Dec 2017 at 11:30:08 +0000, KOHLMANN Hannes wrote:
> I installed the latest nightly build of Qgis 2.99 on Windows 64bit and wanted
> to start porting self-written QGIS 2 plugins to be QGIS 3 compatible!

> My approach would have been to redo the conversion steps with pyuic5 and
> pyrcc5 (for PyQt5) and then correcting for removed classes.

> Now I faced quite exactly the same problem as here:
> https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/260743/how-to-compile-qtdesigner-user-interface-ui-and-resource-qrc-files-with-qg

Like the answer says (although with more words).  You need to run py3_env.bat
if you want python3 and qt5_env.bat if you want Qt5 - o4w_env.bat is not enough
(that's also what qgis-dev.bat and python-qgis-dev.bat do).

> *) What is Python27 doing there in first place? Because from my
>    understanding, one major change in QGis3 is to step from 2.7 to 3.6, removing
>    2.7 completely. Or why is it still there?

Because OSGeo4W has QGIS 2.14, 2.18 and master - GRASS also AFAIK still needs
python2 (the OSGeo4W packages certainly do).  If you leave out GRASS and QGIS
2.14 and 2.18 it probably won't install python2 - but you'll still need to run
the batch files to set the environment up.


Jürgen E. Fischer           norBIT GmbH             Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH)             Rheinstraße 13          Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer           D-26506 Norden             http://www.norbit.de
QGIS release manager (PSC)  Germany                    IRC: jef on FreeNode
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