[QGIS-Developer] Problems accessing Dockwidget Features

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Dec 29 04:05:20 PST 2017


Apparently you do not declare the self.dockwidget anywhere?
As everwhere where you try to USE that it appears to be None.

Normally in the 'initGui' function you create your dialog or dockwidget
using something like:

self.dlg = MyDialog(self.iface)
or in your case there should be:
self.dockwidget = MyDockWidget(self.iface)   <= your constructor

my feeling is that you miss that step (or have a small naming error)


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 29-12-17 12:58, Luís Miguel Royo Pérez wrote:
> Hello, I'm writing a QGIS plugin but I'm facing some basic problems. The
> plugin is a dockwidget. I've built it with plugin Builder and then
> compiled the resources file.
> When I try to access the comboBox to populate it with values, an error
> happens:
>     /self.dockwidget.comboBox.clear() AttributeError: 'NoneType' object
>     has no attribute 'comboBox'/
> I checked in the Qt _Designer the object name and it's comboBox. When I
> do the same with a dialog plugin, instead a dockwidget, everything seems
> to be right, and the comboBox is populated. This is the code for the run
> method.
> |defrun(self):"""Run method that loads and starts the
> plugin"""self.dockwidget.comboBox.clear()fori
> inrange(9):self.dockwidget.comboBox.addItem(str(i))ifnotself.pluginIsActive:self.pluginIsActive
> =True#print "** STARTING PruebaExp"# dockwidget may not exist if:# first
> run of plugin# removed on close (see self.onClosePlugin
> method)ifself.dockwidget ==None:# Create the dockwidget (after
> translation) and keep referenceself.dockwidget =PruebaExpDockWidget()#
> connect to provide cleanup on closing of
> dockwidgetself.dockwidget.closingPlugin.connect(self.onClosePlugin)#
> show the dockwidget# TODO: fix to allow choice of dock
> locationself.iface.addDockWidget(Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea,self.dockwidget)self.dockwidget.show()|
> I don't know if it's related, but when I try to create a signal this
> error is show:
>     /File "XXXXXXXXXXX/PruebaExp.py", line 176, in initGui
>     self.dockwidget.signalBox.connect(self.enviadato) AttributeError:
>     'NoneType' object has no attribute 'signalBox'/
> Same error when I try to acces a pushButton:
> /File "/home/luismi/.qgis2/python/plugins/PruebaExp/PruebaExp.py", line
> 221, in run/
> /self.dockwidget.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.enviadato)/
> /AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pushButton'/
> Maybe is due to something I missed during the building of the plugin.
> I'm using QGIS 2.18.14.
> -- 
> Luís Miguel Royo Pérez.
> Analista-Programador GIS
> Av. Blasco Ibañez nº 1. Manises (Valencia)
> Teléfono: 679846103
> web: inisig.com <http://inisig.com>
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