[Qgis-developer] Missing the support for scale parameter in WMS Legend

Andrea Peri aperi2007 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 23:06:22 PST 2017

we at Tuscany Region in 2013 fundedthe adding of the support of scale
legend in the wms provider.
That (if I remenber was added to the 2.2 or 2.4 version of qgis).

These are the commit for that adding:






>From the 2.6 version as I remenber it was removed

I never understand why this feature was removed, but now the question
is re-issue in a discussion in an our internal working team , about
the usage of QGIS and so I need to confirm the removing and report the
explanation of why to my superiors.

Effectivelly my tests on the qgis 2.18 on an our wms ehre the legend
is sensible to the scale confirm that it is not working, but I still
don't know why it was removed.

Someone can confirm me and give us some explanation of why this
feature was removed ?

Many Thx,

Andrea Peri

Tuscany Region

Andrea Peri
. . . . . . . . .
qwerty àèìòù

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