[Qgis-developer] PyDev debug breakpoints

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 01:31:00 PST 2017

did you check if you are pointing the same pydevd installation from
qgis to aptana/pydev installation?

check in the qgis python console the path used to load the pydevd module


>>> import pydevd
>>> pydevd
<module 'pydevd' from

Luigi Pirelli

* Boundless QGIS Support/Development: lpirelli AT boundlessgeo DOT com
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On 30 December 2016 at 19:21, krwoloq <dalibor.kusic at in2.hr> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have two installations of QGIS - one 2.6.1 for my legacy project and the
> newer 2.16.1. I'm trying to use the remote debugger on the 2.6.1.
> On both installations I did the same thing:
> * Install Eclipse with PyDev (Aptana Studio)
> * Install Remote Debug plugin
> * Configure remote debug plugin with the pydevd path from Aptana
> installation
> * Create a linked folder in Aptana to the plugin source file
> * Put a breakpoint in the .py source
> * Start PyDev Debug Server (shows Debug Server root and Debug Server node)
> * Start remote debug in QGIS (shows "unknown" node under Debug Server root)
> * Run the plugin
> But, in my 2.6.1 installations breakpoints do not work (in 2.16.1 it works
> fine). What could I be missing? I can still suspend the code "manually"  by
> using settrace or suspending the thread in PyDev (it breaks on the first
> next call), however I can't get the breakpoints to work :( Any idea? I don't
> think I did anything different on the 2.16.1 installation that does work.
> d.
> --
> View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/PyDev-debug-breakpoints-tp5301651.html
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