[QGIS-Developer] QGIS/OGR: FeatureIds reassigned on write to data provider?

Sandro Mani manisandro at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 01:51:02 PDT 2017

On 05.07.2017 08:51, Giovanni Manghi wrote:
> as far as I remember this is not entirely true: if you go on redmine
> and look for the (sometimes very long) tickets about this very big
> issue at that time (now thankfully), is wasn't necessary to have the
> shapefile open in edit mode two applications to leave it in a
> "inconsistent" state, if was really just QGIS. After edits and after
> saving (and removing it from the project) opening it in another gis
> package frequently shown (for example) features that were deleted and
> messages about the inconsistent state of the vector.
> please do not revert to the previous, wrong, way to do.
I don't think the talk is about reverting, but rather about holding off 
repacking the layer until it is removed from QGIS, meaning that you can 
hit the inconsistent state issues as long as the layer is open in QGIS 
(and the question is whether this particular scenario should be 
supported), but as soon as the layer is removed from QGIS, it is 
repacked and the layer left in a consistent state.


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