[QGIS-Developer] Value entry using comma as decimal separator?

Bernhard Ströbl bernhard.stroebl at jena.de
Mon Jul 10 05:15:46 PDT 2017

just my two cents: My users are working in a German administration and 
they depend on QGIS having a German UI. They will be puzzled if they are 
supposed to use a point instead of the regular komma as decimal 
separator. On the other hand they won't expect "5.5" to be a regular 
entry into a decimal field either.


Am 08.07.2017 um 09:58 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:
> On 08-07-17 01:11, Nyall Dawson wrote:
>> It's a trivial change to make to get the spin boxes to accept the
>> local decimal separator, but this would prevent users entering "5.5"
>> in those locales.
>> Can someone from one of these affected regions let me know what the
>> correct behavior should be? I don't want to make the change if it
>> breaks entry of 5.5 and that's the standard used in those locales.
> My personal view:
> In The Netherlands we also use comma as a decimal separator (don't most
> european countries do?), and though I never use the Dutch locale myself,
> I know ALL governmental organisations I've been run the Dutch
> QGIS/localse just because Windows there is in Dutch (and set the Dutch
> locale).
> I also know in the Spreadsheet world this gives A LOT of trouble because
> most average users are not even aware what 'locale' they are using... So
> people sending a us-locale spreadsheet to a dutch-locale user is often
> in trouble....
> This makes for example so that in modern Banking web applications they
> check and you can use both , and . as decimal separator (probably there
> is some heuristic in which they check:
> - if there is only one type of separator
> - if there is one, and it is just 2 position from the end
> - it is used as decimal separator
> etc etc
> But... that is easier when you are only doing currency numbers...
> I would not try to fight this locale war, or try to be smarter then
> Qt/Windows:
> IF people use a 'comma'-locale, they should use comma.
> IF they do not like that: use us-locale
> It is the same problem with the character encoding in shapefiles. People
> are not aware of what they do, but 'we' as part of the Qt or Windows
> should not try to be smarter then that world we are part of.
> Untill the rest of the world come to their senses and start using the
> comma as separator, use 24hr clocks (well preferably 100...), meters,
> kilograms etc etc...
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
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