[QGIS-Developer] Raster calculator issues

Eugenio Trumpy frippe12573 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 21 05:35:41 PDT 2017

hi all,

I'm using qgis 2.18.10 (code59e0f78) installed from repo in my Ubuntu 17.04.

I have problem with raster calculators algorithms. In particular:

  *   saga (2.3.1) raster calculator - it gives me this error, both using this algorithm in a process and alone:

Error executing algorithm reservoir_effective 'module' object has no attribute 'TYPE_RASTER' See log for more details

  *   gdal/ogr raster calculator - it gives this error:

GDAL command output:

Error! Dimensions of file /home/condivisa_A_E/calcoli/1000_ET_pos.tif (600, 562) are different from other files (473, 562). Cannot proceed

  *   r.mapcalc - it doesn't show a filed to set the name of the output file, but only the folder. However it gives this error on the console: ERROR 4: /home/IGG/condivisa_A_E/calcoli/1000_ET_pos.tif;/home/layer_prodotti_da_caricare/Z90_ly.tif: No such file or directory

The only algorithm currently running seems to be the raster calculator of gdal available as first item in the raster menu.

Thank you for any hint you can give me


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