[QGIS-Developer] two issues in QGIS (Server and print composer) 2.18.10(?)

João Gaspar joao.f.r.gaspar at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 03:12:07 PDT 2017

Please not consider the 2 last emails, consider only this:

same issue where.

Test Environment OS:
Windows 7 64-bits

QGIS Server 2.14.16 LTR
Print with label text - OK
Print without label text - OK

QGIS Server 2.18.9 64-bits
Print with label text - OK
Print without label text - OK

QGIS Server 2.18.11 64-bits
Print with label text -  "Internal Server Error"
Print without label text -  OK

I attach a zip file with detail information (logs and .qgs 2.18.9  project
to test) in the qgis bug tracker: https://issues.qgis.org/issues/15440

Sorry for the mess 2x

João Gaspar

2017-07-27 11:06 GMT+01:00 João Gaspar <joao.f.r.gaspar at gmail.com>:

> Hi again,
>  i switch the result test in QGIS Server 2.18.11.
> Where is written:
> "
> QGIS Server 2.18.11 64-bits
> Print with label text - OK
> Print without label text - "Internal Server Error"
> I want to say:
> QGIS Server 2.18.11 64-bits
> Print with label text - "Internal Server Error"
> Print without label text -  "Internal Server Error"OK
> Sorry
> João Gaspar
> 2017-07-27 10:59 GMT+01:00 João Gaspar <joao.f.r.gaspar at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> same issue where.
>> Test Environment OS:
>> Windows 7 64-bits
>> QGIS Server 2.14.16 LTR
>> Print with label text - OK
>> Print without label text - OK
>> QGIS Server 2.18.9 64-bits
>> Print with label text - OK
>> Print without label text - OK
>> QGIS Server 2.18.11 64-bits
>> Print with label text - OK
>> Print without label text - "Internal Server Error"
>> I attach a zip file with detail information (logs and .qgs 2.18.9
>> project  to test) in the qgis bug tracker: https://issues.qgis.org/issues
>> /15440
>> Cheers
>> João Gaspar
>> 2017-07-20 23:38 GMT+01:00 Giovanni Manghi <giovanni.manghi at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Nyall,
>>> > It'll be https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/commit/1b4bd47076103e931e642c9c
>>> 2b6a363f14b20a45
>>> > which removed the None option.
>>> >
>>> > ...HOWEVER...
>>> >
>>> > I'm having a lot of trouble trying to understand what the correct
>>> > server logic is here. Is it:
>>> >
>>> > - if a getprint request is made without any layers specified then all
>>> > layers are shown in both the map and legend
>>> as far as I remember if no layers are specified in the request then no
>>> layers are shown in the map (not sure about the legend)
>>> > - if layers are specified then:
>>> >   - legend set to a map: ONLY those layers should be shown in the map
>>> and legend
>>> yes, actually as you may have seen form my examples, for layers that
>>> are not listed in the request their name shows anyway in the legend
>>> (without the ssymbology symbols or classes).
>>> >   - legend set to None: only shown those layers in the map, but
>>> > EVERYTHING in the legend
>>> > ?
>>> yes
>>> The latter has/had a clear purpose, be able to to print via getprint a
>>> map + a fixed legend, regardless
>>> of the enabled/disabled layers, exactly as it happens when you print
>>> from QGIS Desktop.
>>> > If so, I'd say that's unpredictable, opaque behavior and needs to be
>>> > fixed in the UI.
>>> >
>>> > Possible options would be:
>>> >
>>> > 1. adding a server settings section to the legend properties, with a
>>> > checkbox "always show all layers (Regardless of requested layers)" (or
>>> > betterly worded!)
>>> >
>>> > 2. Taking advantage of the existing "filter legend by map" option to
>>> > handle this use case (which should already be supported in 2.x - it
>>> > just needs that setting switched on in your projects). The only
>>> > downside here is that if a layer is requested but has no features
>>> > visible in the extent then it won't be shown in the legend. (That's
>>> > arguably the correct cartographic behaviour though!)
>>> >
>>> > I don't think the "none" option should be brought back, as it makes
>>> > legend behaviour unpredictable in itself. E.g. what scale should the
>>> > legend use for symbols with map unit sizes? What preset style should
>>> > it use?
>>> option 1 seems good to me, anyway whatever the solution this should be
>>> treated as a priority/bad regression as it broke a very basic
>>> necessity when we do (for example) webgis with QWC or Lizmap.
>>> thanks in advance and for understanding
>>> cheers!
>>> -- G --
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