[QGIS-Developer] Geoprocessing tools give empty results for data using crs EPSG:7694

Stéphane Henriod stephanebek at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 03:20:04 PDT 2017

Hi all

I have made a few tests of GDAL 2.2.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 with QGIS 2.14.14 and
have found out that most geoprocessing tools implying 2 layers (clip,
difference, intersection, etc.) wrongly give empty geometries when the data
is in CRS  EPSG:7694 (*Kyrg06-3*, newly added CRS to GDAL in 2.2.0). Same
behavior with QGIS 2.18.11 with GDAL 1.11.3

For example, when using the Tool *Vector - Geoprocessing tools - Difference*
the difference between 2 layers gives an empty geometry. Using the same
tool on the same data with the CRS 32643 (*WGS84 UTM43N*) gives correct

I have communicated on the Ubuntugis mailing list and got the following
feedback from Even Rouault:

*I've run ogrinfo -al shp > log.txt on your dataset with GDAL 2.2 and GDAL
2.1 and get almost the same results. The only difference is that GDAL 2.2
now reports the SRS of layers kyrgyzstan_UTM43N and rayons_UTM43N with an
explicit EPSG:32643 code, which is an intended change of GDAL 2.2, and I
wouldn't think that would cause issues to QGIS. So my feeling is that the
issue is more with the processing tool itself, or a subtle issue in the
integration of QGIS&GDAL.*

Test dataset (in both CRS) here: http://www.henriod.info/share/shp.zip

Is it something to be reported as a QGIS bug? Can you reproduce this

Thanks and cheers


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you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable." --
Clifton Fadiman
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