[QGIS-Developer] Let's bring documentation at the heart of QGIS Desktop...

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Sun Jul 30 00:35:31 PDT 2017

https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues/33 => 404
Luigi Pirelli

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On 29 July 2017 at 17:46, DelazJ <delazj at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi QGIS-ers,
> As you might know, QGIS3 will get rid of the current (mainly) outdated
> context help dialogs. These were not really maintained for years, and hard
> to translate (a big piece of text, full of html tags, that you have to
> rework when a single letter changes).
> Now, Hitting the help button in a dialog should open:
> - the neither fully up-to-date but heartily maintained official and online
> doc
> - or a local zipped doc.
> Specifications were brought to discussion in QEP 51 [0] and UIX repo [1].
> Afaik only the online doc relation infrastructure has been implemented for
> the moment (at least it's the only one I had tested and once customized, it
> works pretty good though some limitations - see the needed improvements
> summary at [2] ).
> The next step is to link all help buttons to the proper section in the
> documentation.
> Actually, I found out there are a lot of dialogs (older as well as newly
> created) without a proper help button so I began a list in the uix issue
> reports repository [3]. If you want to help add the missing button, please
> feel free to do it. And please check the fixed items in the list to ease the
> track.
> Going further and based on an initial work of Richard Duivenvoorde
> (Thanks!), I set up a list with most of the existing dialogs and panels in
> QGIS (around 200), with their corresponding section in doc (if exists), and
> whether there's already a help button, the file in which to add the doc link
> (needs completion) and if  the relation is already set or not.
> The rationale of this file has been mentioned at [4] but I'd like to add
> that imho this db could be used as references to keep up-to-date help
> "dialogs". We can imagine a kind of magic commands from you devs, that
> automatically do the matching between the two repositories based on this
> list and updating that list will fix links without a need to manually set it
> in each resource file. I don't know if that's possible but it could be nice
> i think.
> What are left to do:
> - Complete the list of resource files, in which the commands to open the
> help link is se, and find missing dialogs (I couldn't dig all dialogs)
> - Add the help button (or icon) where appropriate
> - Set the relation to documentation pages
> - Keep the table up-to-date
> Giving a look to the QGIS code, I found that some links are added in the .h
> while others are in the .cpp one, sometimes as private slots or public ones.
> Can't figure out why so to avoid losing time  (I'm afraid I had spent
> enough) and for a better subsidiarity, I think it's better to have
> developers handle that part of the "job".
> The whole file is available as a collaborative Framadate Calc at [5]. I
> didn't find the markdown of the wiki or issue reports easily maintainable.
> Sorry the interface is in French but icons should help and it's fully Open
> Source :) . However, if you want to move it to a place that would be more
> linked with QGIS infrastructure, feel free.
> Hoping that will be useful to the Project...
> Regards,
> Harrissou
> [0] QEP 51- https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues/51
> [1] UIX discussion https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues/15
> [2] QGIS 3 doc wiki
> https://github.com/DelazJ/QGIS-Documentation/wiki/On-the-road-to-QGIS3#relation-between-qgis-docs-and-desktop
> [3] Some dialogs missing help button
> https://github.com/qgis/qgis3_UIX_discussion/issues/33
> [4] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/4135
> [5] Find the Data - https://framacalc.org/4hipbz1q7t
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