[QGIS-Developer] Processing 3.0: Dropping non-QgsZonalStatistics zonal statistics algorithm

Mathieu Pellerin nirvn.asia at gmail.com
Tue Jun 27 22:55:43 PDT 2017

Here's a table showing the overlap (and unique features) of both algs:

*QgsZonalStatistics alg* *Alternate alg*
Count x x
Sum x x
Mean x x
Median x x
StDev x x
Min x x
Max x x
Range x x
Minority x
Majority x
Variety / Unique x x
Variance (i.e. numpy.var)
Mode (I.e.scipy.stats.mode)

Two statistical outputs (variance and mode) aren't available in
QgsZonalStatistics-based alg, while two outputs (minority and majority) are
missing from the alternate alg.

I'm not an intense user of zonal stats either, and I've always used the
QgsZoneStatistics one.

On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 12:07 PM, Nyall Dawson <nyall.dawson at gmail.com>

> On 28 June 2017 at 12:19, Mathieu Pellerin <nirvn.asia at gmail.com> wrote:
> > As part of the ongoing upgrade and cleanup done by the Nyall, we should
> take
> > the opportunity to get rid of one of the overlapping "Zonal Statistics"
> and
> > "Zonal Statistics (QGIS)" algorithms. The latter relies on QGIS'
> > QgsZonalStatistics.
> >
> > Yesterday, I've resurrected the "Zonal Statistics (QGIS)" algorithm, and
> in
> > doing so added progress feedback + cancellation support. Would anyone
> object
> > to:
> > a/ rename this algorithm to "Zonal Statistics"
> > b/ delete the former (and obsolete) "Zonal Statistics" algorithm
> I'm not a big user of zonal stats... but I'd like to see this
> duplication removed.
> Can you sum up what the differences between the tool algorithms are?
> Are they any downsides to dropping the other tool, or is the Zonal
> Stats (QGIS) alg better in every way?
> Nyall
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