[Qgis-developer] New version of astyle (rebasing pull requests)

Denis Rouzaud denis.rouzaud at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 00:09:43 PST 2017

Dear all,

I just merged a new version of Artistic Style (aka astyle) which brings
c++11 support and various fixes.

This will cause troubles to merge PR with work being done on top of files
prior to this merge.

I would like to propose an approach for easier merges:

1. Build last astyle:
- checkout master and pull
- build with astyle

2. Run astyle on your branch
  2a If your PR is relatively small:
    - rebase and squash into a single commit
    - reset to HEAD^
    - run prepare-commit.sh
    - re-commit

  2b Your has many commits you would like to keep
    - do an interactive rebase with editing of all commits
    - reset and run prepare-commit
    - commit and continue

I *think* this is the best approach and will lead to the easiest merge
I am not the best expert of git around, if someone has a better idea,
you're welcome :)

Cheers and sorry for the troubles,
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