[Qgis-developer] Wiki page/area for 'Building QGIS from scratch'

Mark Johnson mj10777 at googlemail.com
Fri Mar 17 08:21:46 PDT 2017

For the last 10 days I have been attempting to build QGIS 3.0 master from
For this QT 5 also had to be build, which is not an easy task.

In the past I had used the 'run' scripts, which installed the source
- qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.7.1.run
but after the first installment I noticed that QGIS needed a modal that had
not been included: QtWebKit

The there is QScintilla,PyQt5 (with sip) and Qwt
- Qwt: did not install the libs where PyQt5 could not find it
- QScintilla  did not accept the –-pyqt=PyQt5 parameter, so
the configure.py had to be adapted

And then there is the cmake of QGIS3 itself, which in itself is a horror
dream come true
- instead of asking *once* for the 'Qt5 cmake' directory
-- it asks it about 12 times for the 17 modals needed
--> I assume ccmake determines for each module the dependencies, but for
the user this is a horrible -  time consuming experience

For this reason I think it would be a good idea to add an area in the QGIS
wiki with tip how this should be done,

Based on a specific QGIS version
- which other versions (QT5, python3 [python 3.5.3rc1 does not work, python
3.4.6 does] etc.) should be used
- basic howto's to
-- build QT5 from scratch (like using git that contains QtWebKit, as
apposed to the 'run' that does not)
-- known irregularities
---> copy the Qwt/libs to the Qt5/libs so that PyQt5 can find them
---> QScintilla how to adapt the configure.py script to create the needed
PyQt5 version

The goal would be to offer a guideline for those doing this for the first
- avoiding known traps

Something in the form of (based on the present wiki):

Organize an event
Collaborative documents
Building QGIS 3.0 from scratch
 Building QT 5 from scratch
   Building and correctly installing Qwt
   Building QScintilla for PyQt5
   Building PyQt5
 QGIS3 ccmake

I would be willing to start this with my experiences.

Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany
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