[Qgis-developer] overload closeEvent in AlgorithmDialog.py [CLOSED]

enrico chiaradia enrico.chiaradia at yahoo.it
Fri Mar 24 10:36:08 PDT 2017

I found that the most convenient way is to create a custom 
"AlgorithmDialog" class where reimplement the closeEvent function. 
Custom dialog must be loaded implementing the getCustomParametersDialog 
in the custom geoalgorithm.

here the class:

class CustomAlgorithmDialog(AlgorithmDialog):
   def __init__(self, alg):
     AlgorithmDialog.__init__(self, alg)

   def closeEvent(self, evnt):
     # do something of 'extraordinary'
     print 'something'

     # call original function
     super(CustomAlgorithmDialog, self).closeEvent(evnt)

here the function to implement in the custom geoalgorithm:

def getCustomParametersDialog(self):
       return CustomAlgorithmDialog(self)

Nothing extraordinary, just to close the question.
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